Chan’s Dorid, Hallaxa chani

It’s hard to know how common this nudibranch is as it is incredibly cryptic. When I came across one in late June of 2024, it was my first in nearly 20 years of looking for sea slugs in the intertidal and upper sub-tidal zone.  I actually thought it was just another sponge on the side of a rock.  Turns out they feed on a look-a-like slime sponge (Halisarca).  This individual was appoximately 20 mm and it was the reddish/brown tips of the rhinophores that drew my attention.  This little dorid stands out from others it may be mistaken for (some of the lighter sea lemons and Cadlinas) in that it has tubercles that are varied in size and structure, and very obvious dash-like or spotted marks on its notum  — some of which can also be found around the gills.

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