Multiband or Pebbled Butterflyfish (Chaetodon multicinctus)

Multiband Butterflyfish PairMultiband Butterflyfish Pair Getting CleanedMultiband Butterflyfish %26 Reticulated ButterflyfishMultiband Butterflyfish PairMultiband Butterflyfish %26 Young  Reticulated ButterflyfishMultiband Butterflyfish %26 Male Bird WrassePair of Multiband ButterflyfishMultiband ButterflyfishForceps Butterflyfish and Pair of Multiband ButterflyfishMultiband Butterflyfish YoungMultiband Butterflyfish PairMultiband ButterflyfishMultiband ButterflyfishMultiband Butterflyfish

The Multiband or Pebbled Butterflyfish is a fairly common sight on the healthier shallow reefs off Maui. Most often they are seen as part of a monogamous pair darting in and out as they nip on coral polyps.  Currently, they are not considered to be a species of concern, though higher water temperatures and severe bleaching of the reefs will obviously have an impact on their primary food source. For further information regarding their status, click here to see the ICUN Red list.   To 5 inches.. Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands.


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