Yellow-edged Cadlina, Cadlina luteomarginata

This beautiful little member of the Chromodorididae family resembles a number of other nudibranchs found off of British Columbia’s West Coast –many of which are referred to generally as “Yellow-edged Cadlinas.”  It is most often mistaken for the Hudson’s Horned Dorid (Acanthodoris hudsoni), as it too has a yellow margin and tubercles with buttery yellow tips. Unlike the Nanaimo Horned Dorid its tubercles are short and stubby and its rhinophores are noticeably shorter.  Other newly defined look-a-likes are the Cadlina jannanicholsae, the Cadlina silviaearlesae and the Cadlina klasmalmbergi.  If you have found a look-a-like without a yellow margin, check out the Cadlina modesta.


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