About Karolle Wall

After retiring from her position as an Associate Professor in the Department of Critical Studies, Emily Carr University of Art & Design, Karolle chose to focus (even more) on her passion for the oceans, animals, and environmental education.  Her life now consists of a split residency — five months on Maui where she volunteers for various marine conservation organizations and seven months in British Columbia.  While on Maui she continues to document the underwater world, through video and photography, while educating herself and others about coral reefs and their fragile ecosystems.  At home on Pender Island, British Columbia she pursues this further, learning as much as she can about marine biology, ecosystem management, wildlife conservation, education and preservation — all the while making sure her images speak to others and remind us of how interconnected we really are.

And then there are her children and grandchildren, who remind her everyday of how important this work is!

Contact: karollewall@gmail.com

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