Marine Life et cetera
Karolle Wall Photography
Marine Life of the Salish Sea
Nudibranchs of the Salish Sea
Sea Slugs of the Salish Sea: Sacoglossans, Sea Angels, Sea Hares, Bubble Shells, Headshield Slugs, Marine Snails, etc.
Sea Stars of the Salish Sea
Cnidaria: Jellies and Siphonophores of the Salish Sea
Ctenophores ( i.e., Comb Jellies)
Cnidaria: Jellies and Ctenophora + the Odd Anemone
Sea Slugs of Maui: Nudibranchs, Side-gilled Slugs, Sapsuckers, Bubbleshells, Etc.
Nudibranchs of Hawaii
Side-gilled Slugs or Pleurobranchidae
Sapsuckers, Plakobranchidae (Elysias, Thuridillas, Polybranchia)
Bubble Shells, Head Shield Slugs, Order Cephalaspidea
Sea Hares ( order: Aplysiidae)
Flatworms of Maui, Hawaii: Phylum Platyhelminthes
Green Sea Turtles
Fibropapillomatosis in Green Sea Turtles
Fibropapillomatosis Virus and other Injuries
Some Current Research Related to Fibropapillomatosis
Reef Fish of Maui
Butterflyfish of Maui, Hawaii (Family Chaetodontidae — Lauhau in Hawaiian)
Boxfish, Pufferfish, Porcupinefish
Uhu Parrotfishes (most commonly seen by snorkelers on Maui)
Surgeonfish (Tangs and Unicornfish too)
Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse
Stripey Gallery
Siladen, Indonesia: Snorkeling Bunaken Marine Park
Bald Eagles
Hawaiian Monk Seal
Hawaiian Monk Seals
Hawaiian Monk Seals Gallery
Hawaiian Monk Seal Research
Whale Shark, Kona
Nature’s Abstractions
Karolle Wall
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Stripey Gallery
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